These are the rules for the Paradox Live Wiki. They are made to ensure the Wiki is a fun, safe, and collaborative space for all users.
- Be kind to other community members: Be civil even if you disagree with someone. Do not harass, bully, or attack other users.
- Do not use bigoted language or discriminate against someone based on their gender, race, orientation, nationality, religion, etc.
- Do not excessively spam comments.
- Keep it PG - Refrain from using excessively profane language. Additionally, do not use sexually explicit language or share such content on the Wiki.
- Don't be afraid to contribute! The Paradox Live Wiki is still a work in progress, and more contributions help to shape it into a comprehensive resource on the series.
- Try to follow the established processes and conventions when contributing.
- Refrain from making unproductive contributions (Edit wars, vandalism, etc.)
- Do not repost fancontent (art, fanfiction, edits, etc.) that you did not create.
Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact an administrator, and we will help to the best of our ability.