The 4 teams - BAE, The Cat’s Whiskers, cozmez and Akan Yatsura (悪漢奴等 / AKYR) - clashed in the legendary club "CLUB paradox" that had been suddenly revived.
Cozmez grabbed victory and the intense passion of their battle shook the heart of the legendary team Buraikan (武雷管). They will light the embers of the new event.
And so, Buraikan spreads this message of a new national event:
“ | This event shall determine the next legend. Regardless of your position or title, all are welcome to come. There is only one condition for participation. You must be a phantom rapper. | ” |
With this message as the starting point, many fierce individuals approached Buraikan. Among them, Buraikan has selected 8 teams that shine the brightest.
The ferocity of the battle will only increase and channel "phantom live" to new heights. Who will be the next legendary artist?!